When developing industrial facilities for the production and processing of food products, it is important to take into account various details of design and construction. Understanding the functional use of space, product flow and storage requirements, as well as process specifics is critical to creating an effective facility. Thanks to many years of experience in the design of industrial plants for the food industry, Egis Ertle Engineering has the competence to provide optimal solutions taking into account cost and quality.
Due to the complex and unique equipment requirements of industrial food production and processing enterprises, cooperation between the project organization team, the contractor and the equipment supplier in the early stages of the project is important. This will ensure the development of an optimal plan that takes into account the requirements for specific equipment for the manufacture of products.
When designing food industry enterprises, it is important to adhere to high standards of sanitation and safety. In addition to the requirements of state sanitary regulations, it is worth considering that the facility must be properly equipped to prevent cross-contamination and the growth of bacteria or mold, which can lead to product recalls. Design elements such as floor types, pressure balancing and air filtration, space separation and drain placement must be carefully considered.
Flooring materials such as epoxy or polyurethane flooring should be carefully selected during the design process to help prevent the growth of bacteria and mold. It is also necessary to take into account the nature of the products, the chemicals to be used and the maximum temperatures. Drainage holes should also be strategically located for water drainage, cleaning equipment and sinks.
An additional essential safety measure is air change, filtration and direction of air flow, especially in facilities where products that may cause an allergic reaction are produced. It is necessary to provide separate areas for product storage and separate production lines.
The working principle of Egis Ertle Engineering combines quality design, budget management and schedule compliance into a single point of responsibility. Our team of experts understands each client’s business and analyzes the key components to reduce risks and provide the highest quality and relevant services.