Conducting Comprehensive Due Diligence Analysis

Egis Ertle Engineering provides due diligence services – an independent assessment of the investment object, identifying investment risks and conducting a thorough technical and legal analysis regarding future planned activities.
The service includes:
- Analysis of the available documentation for the land plot (ownership rights, functional purpose of the plot, urban planning restrictions)
- Examination of the construction site
- Analysis of the surrounding infrastructure and the possibility of its use
- Analysis of the possibility of connecting to external networks
- Preliminary layout options for the main buildings on the construction site
- Analysis of existing environmental restrictions
- Analysis of raw material supply for the planned facility to produce finished products
- Analysis of the availability of qualified personnel in the region where the construction is planned
Development of design documentation for the P phase (design)

At this stage, design documentation is developed to the extent necessary for passing the design documentation examination. The contractor prepares the required design sections, including descriptions, plans, schemes, and specifications.
The design documentation is agreed upon with the client before being submitted for examination. The result of this stage is comprehensive design documentation, including all necessary project sections, ready for expert review. The company assists in passing the design documentation examination and defends the project solutions.
Development of design documentation for the R phase (working documentation)

This stage involves the development of a set of working documentation, and it is considered a high-detail design phase, allowing for practical construction for all types of construction and installation work.
The working documentation includes plans, details, sections, installation schemes, views, detailed specifications, and installation instructions sufficient to organize and control the quality of construction by the client.
Development of design documentation for the TEO phase (feasibility study)

At this stage, design documentation is developed to reflect the main design solutions, production capacity, product range and quality, production cooperation, raw material, material, semi-finished product, fuel, electric and thermal energy, water, and labor resources supply, construction costs, and key technical and economic indicators.
Construction supervision on the site

This stage involves checking the availability of documents certifying the quality of structures, equipment, and materials used during construction (technical passports, certificates, laboratory test results, etc.), ensuring compliance with design solutions, building codes, standards, technical conditions, and other regulatory documents. It also includes supervising the execution of geodetic works during construction, reviewing and evaluating completed works with contractors, hidden works, and ensuring compliance with requirements prohibiting further work until the acts for hidden works are formalized.
Designer’s supervision on the site

Egis Ertle Engineering checks the compliance of the completed construction and installation works with the working documentation, building codes, and standards, and monitors the quality of production technology, ensuring the reliability, strength, stability, and durability of the works.
The service also includes maintaining a designer’s supervision journal, where deviations from design documentation and violations of current standards identified during construction are recorded, and participating in the acceptance of works. Our team ensures the constant presence of a specialist for designer’s supervision on the construction site throughout the construction period.
Conducting engineering surveys

The foundation for a quality project lies in performing engineering surveys. Our experts help determine the necessary surveys and develop technical specifications and a program for their implementation. In particular, we conduct the following land surveys:
- Engineering and geodetic
- Engineering and geological
- Geotechnical and hydrogeological (as part of comprehensive engineering-geological surveys or separately)
- Engineering and hydrometeorological
- Surveys for the rational use and protection of the environment
- Specialized surveys
Ecology and Environmental Impact

The development of environmental and technical documentation required for the design and construction of a facility includes:
- Development and approval of sanitary protection zone (SPZ) projects (reducing SPZ sizes)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (in accordance with Ukrainian building norms, DBN)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Assessment of environmental risks
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
- Conducting Environmental Surveys
Support for clients in obtaining permits and initial data for design

The lawyers at Egis Ertle Engineering prepare, submit, and assist clients in obtaining the full package of necessary documentation, including:
- Urban planning conditions and restrictions
- Technical conditions for connection to electrical supply networks
- Technical conditions for connection to water supply and sewage networks
- Technical conditions for connection to public roads
- Other technical conditions
- Permits for construction and installation works
- Commissioning of the facility
Building and Structure Surveys

Our experts conduct surveys to determine the technical condition of buildings and structures to ensure they meet the basic requirements and prepare a report based on the findings.
Building and structure surveys are conducted in the following cases:
- Reconstruction of a facility
- Damage to the facility due to natural disasters or accidents
- Damage to the facility caused by military actions
- Change of the building’s functional purpose
- Acquisition of a building
- Other cases where determining the actual technical condition of the building or structure is necessary