September 30, 2022
• 3 minutes
In May 2021, Egis Ertle Engineering, together with IMSAT SA, the general contractor, began work on the construction of a cement-packing complex in the Kyiv region for the CRH company. However in February, due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, construction was suspended. During the work on the project, 80% of metal structures were assembled, besides works on the architectural layout of the buildings and on the ventilation, heating, and air conditioning system were started.
Despite the difficult situation, the CRH company still decided to invest in Ukraine by resuming the project, therefore the work on the construction of the cement-packing complex was suspended. CRH is the leading cement producer in Ukraine. In the background of the destroyed infrastructure due to military actions, the object will become strategic not only for the Client but also for the Kyiv region, since in the near future it will provide cement products to the increased demand of buyers, including through the reconstruction program.
The project of the new cement terminal in Kyiv was planned to be developed in two stages. In Stage 1, the cement terminal receives up to 450,000 tons of cement by rail from various existing CRH plants. Next, 450 thousand tons of cement are unloaded and transported to the receiving silos. This group of processes includes the handling and unloading of cement hoppers and the transportation of cement to storage silos. The dimensions of the silos take into account different types of cement, irregularities in the supply system and can store 4,000 tons of cement. The cement silos are fully welded to ensure structural integrity and avoid any potential dust emissions in the future. During packaging, the cement is extracted from silos, dosed by a flow control gate and transported for storage to the truck loading systems. Firstly the material is transported from the storage silos to the elevator and from there to the top of the 200-tonne hoppers. The purpose of these hoppers is to allow some flexibility and provide a buffer between the silos and the packing plant or truck loading systems. All cement transportation systems are sealed, and the truck loading system is automated. The packing and palletizing line has a nominal capacity of 100 t/h (4,000 bags of 25 kg cement/bag) and is located in a new warehouse. After completion of all processes, raw materials are sent to customers in 25-kilogram bags with cement or a cement truck. During Phase 2, additional silos and a mixing plant are added, which will allow for production by mixing on site. Annual deliveries by rail to the terminal during this stage will increase to 660,000 tons.
Egis Ertle Engineering performed a complex of design works on metal structures, the architectural part and the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. The design was carried out using BIM (Building Information Modeling) technologies. Within the framework of the Construction of a cement-packing complex project, the general contractor, the company IMSAT SA, is provided with constant support for the designer’s supervision in order to effectively regulate the construction process.